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Step by Step guide on how to register for GSF 19th Biennial National Conference

By Eunice Adekanmbi

Ahead of tomorrow’s opening of the online registration portal for GOFAMINT Students’ Fellowship 19th Biennial National Conference, GSF National Publicity Department bring to you the step by step guide on how to register for the Conference seamlessly:

STEP 1: Visit:

STEP 2: Click on “Register for National Conference” you will be redirected to the Registration page, then click on “Register” from the Navigation or “Register Now” from the overlay

STEP 3: Toggle Individual OR Fellowship OR Alumni button to start the registration process

STEP 4: Fill the resultant form and click “Proceed to Payment”

STEP 5: Enter your ATM card details and click pay to process payment, you can also choose transfer option for payment if you do not want to use the card option

STEP 6: Depending on your bank, you may need to enter an OTP and click continue

STEP 7: Allow the system to process payment untill it returns the page with your payment and login details

NOTE: Your payment and login details will be sent to the email you entered initially.

STEP 8: Login to portal with your conference I.D. and password to complete registration

STEP 9: Select gender, upload your passport (not more than 200kb) and click “Complete Registration” button to get your hostel, food stand and print your I.D. card.

STEP 10: Click “Conference Materials” to view/download conference materials if/when available.

Registration starts Monday, March 1st, 2021 and closes Wednesday, March 31st, 2021.

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